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​Ultra Cavitation, also known as "Liposuction without surgery", is a non-invasive treatment to shape the body and eliminate cellulite, achieving satisfactory results in volume reduction and cellulite from the first session.

This treatment does not treat skin flaccidity, it is only design to target adipose cells, reducing the volume and cellulite. We suggest a free consultation.

Cavitation consist of applying low frequency ultrasound, generating micro bubbles in the fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues. This system is very selective, ensuring that the target is the subcutaneous fat and no other.​

​​Ultrasonic waves converge on the treatment are and accumulate at one point causing the cavitation effect, which leads to the breakdown of cell membranes of adipocytes, allowing the release of their content the Triglycerides, these fats are metabolized released through a natural physiological and metabolic process, will be evacuated by venous and lymphatic pathways and eleminated in the urine.

This systen has been presented for the fist time in Milan in 2005 by the Italian name "Cavitazione Estetica", eventhough the physical phenomenon called cavitation is well known since the 60's.

From the first session, your measurements will decrease. Research shown that most clients need 6-12 sessions to achieve optimal results. This will depend on the size of area to be treated and desired results.

​​​Professional Therapeutic Solutions uses a 40kz focused ultrasound cavitation effect to cause tons of microscopic air bubbles to surround the lipocyte membrane causing the fat cells to break up instantly. The broken lipocytes are then moved to the liver and safely metabolized out of human body which is assisted by drinking water. The procedure works to remove superficial fat and fat accumulation that is no volumetric. Results can be noticed after the first treatment with more improvement noticed within a few days.

The cavitation procedure is a lunch time procedure between 15 to 20 minutes per area, multiple areas can take between 45 to 60 minutes depending on the area to treat and the body composition of the client. This procedure can be performed safely up to 1-2 times per week, within 3-5 days apart.

The average measurable loss from one are after each session is between 1-3cm and 8-12 sessions are usually recommended for optimal results.


The cavitation can totally renew your arms, abdomen, hips, back, inner thighs, outer thighs, front thighs or back thighs.

The Ultra Cavitation is the most advance and actualized treatment for cellulite, but not everyone is a candidate for it. The low frequency is a safe procedure to melt the adipose cells, but certain medical conditions does not meet the criteria for this treatment. If you are not a candidate for the procedure, you may discuss an alternative treatment with your therapist.


* Pregnancy
* Cancer
* Obesity
* Diabetes
* High Blood Pressure
* High Cholesterol
* Metal Implants (Cooper IUDS, Pace Maker, or any other metallic implant in any part of your body)
* Heart Problems
* Ear Drum Problems or any Ear related problems
*Renal Insufficient
* Vascular Fragility
*Liver Problem, Kidney Stones
*If you are taking any Anticoagulants Treatments
*Thyroid Disease or Hormonal Problems
* Phlebitis
*Swollen Varicose Veins
*Pregnant or nursing
* Women during menstrual cycle


If you suffer from any of the mentioned pathologies, you should consult your primary physician for a clearance, before coming to our premises.

*The Ultra Cavitation is not currently FDA Approved.


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​​​What are the Expected Instant Fat Loss Treatment Results?

The Cavitation treatment yields immediate and long lasting results. Most of the clients experience 2 to 15 cm of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.​​

​​​Procedure and Result Time

The cavitation is completed in 5 - 12 treatments lasting 20 minutes per area being treated. The client needs to be well-hydrated before the procedure. Each treatment has a 1- to 2-week interval between appointments. Changes are visible within the first 48 hours after extra water and toxins are released.​​


First Visit Just $100!​​​

• You will receive a complete free consultation from one of our professional therapists
• Before and after measurements to see your results
• Cavitation Lipo on one area of your choice (stomach, hips, inner thigh, outer thigh, arms)
• Lymphatic Drainage treatment to drain away your liquefied fat
• After care advice on how to gain the ultimate results.


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