I am Rita
Rita’s passion for Art Design originates from her 25 year conglomeration of expertise and success in corporate banking, real estate, and property management which includes her family’s rental property business.
Reputably known as a “One of a Kind” Eco'spirational Art Designer throughout South Florida, Rita has raised the “Bar of Excellence” through her many excelling and unique creations, converting projects into “Works of ART”
Rita’s true calling in the Interior Design industry, and recognition as a Paint Art Designer has been achieved through years of dedication and hard work, leading to her being featured in many South Florida media publications, and appearances on Bob Vila’s syndicated TV talk show “Home Again with Bob Vila”.
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iArtRita to the Rescue...Rita’s devotion and vision to help others achieve their personal and unique “Works of ART” inspired her create this unique and comprehensive online video tutorial website www.iArtRita.com. As a website member, you gain access to her endless knowledge of inspiring creative ECO Art Designs, and at a cost anyone can realistically afford and do within matter of few hours. The videos created by iArtRita's team are engagingly entertaining, educational and positive. How so? The videos provides valuable content of great secrets, tips and techniques shown in beautiful step by step illustrations showered with visual instructions and word content.
iArtRita vision and dream to create something very valuable yet different and unique unlike typical boring DIY videos don't have captions tool feature to allow any hard of hearing and deaf communities understand from their videos. Our videos are designed for anyone to enjoy and understand how to do each project in the comfort of their own homes. Rita is hard of hearing since age of 4 and when anyone meets her in person, you wouldn't know it until she tells you herself. As member to this website, Rita will empower you with online support, personally offering fresh & unique art ideas from throughout the world of amazing designs, to enable you to “Design IT Yourself” like most professional Home Interior Designer, with your reward of being recognized for having a home flourished in latest hip Design décor looks into reality!

Rita’s creativity and passion for the conservation and preservation of the Earth’s global environment were formed in her early years. Her father, Leonas Stankus, was the inventor of fireproof paint (Toronto, Canada, 1949). Her father was also a consultant chemical engineer to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Rita’s father planted the seeds for what today is Rita’s ECO way of life, and her belief that it is imperative to teach individuals throughout the world the many useful and effective changes we all can initiate to improve our way of life. This includes the many recyclable initiatives and green resources that can have a significant positive impact on preserving our global environment, both today and in the future. Through her passion, work, and desire to help others, Rita is dedicated and committed to making a difference in this world giving back to the global community and Rita is an Outside Advocate/Spokesperson for Palm Beach Chapter in Florida for www.HearingLoss.org .