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Planning a Trip To The Park with The Kids? How to beSafe

Summer is a great time for family fun and a trip to the park is usually first on the list for parents and kids alike. It's a great way to get to know your own community and explore new destinations and activities in your own neighborhood. But during these uncertain times, you may be wondering if you should risk taking your kids to the park and how to safely do so?

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Tips on How to Be Safe While at the Park

First and foremost, plan ahead. Before you leave your home, know where you will go, how you will get there, and what you will do when you arrive. If you have small children ask yourself, are you comfortable using public restrooms, playing on the playgrounds, do you have enough wipes and sanitizer for the family? Do some research about the park you are visiting. Wear a mask.

Try to find parks with open areas, possibly bike or walking trails. Remember to keep a 6ft distance between your family members and others. Children have a tendency to want to play with other children or approach dogs or other individuals. Have a conversation beforehand about what you expect from them and why it's important to follow social distancing.

For younger children and toddlers knowing where and what you are going to do at the park can help avoid any unwanted conflict. Take the time to plan your trip. Try not to park by playgrounds if you don’t want your little ones playing on the equipment or with other children. If the park isn’t crowded and you feel comfortable allowing them to use the recreational facilities, make sure you have plenty of wipes or sanitizer and don’t allow them to put their hands on their face or mouth.

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A picnic is a great family activity that you can safely enjoy at the park. Pack food from home or pick up takeout from your favorite restaurant and take it with you to enjoy at the park. Not only will you be outside in the fresh air but you can safely social distance from others without a lot of hassle or worry.

Be mindful that certain sports carry a higher risk of contact than others, so be aware of the number of people playing and the proximity of the individuals. Certain sports like basketball and football should be avoided but can still be safely played under certain rules. For example, a game of horse on the basketball court or catch with a football can safely be played. Make sure to sanitize and wash hands whenever possible. Sports such as tennis and volleyball are a great outdoor activity to safely enjoy.

While there are always going to be risks involved with going to the park and any other public place, if you follow social distancing guidelines, wear a mask, and plan ahead you should feel confident that you and your family will have a fun and safe day in the sun.


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